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Every generation had some disease they were fighting with. Panic attacks is the disease of the last generations which is a direct outcome from the increased level of anxiety. The thing is, a bigger level of anxiety gives a constant worry about the problems which creates chains in brain and unconditioned reflexes where all these worries start...

Fighting anxiety

Anxiety is the most powerful negative program which can make a person's life a nightmare. Especially in today's safe world when everything appears to be safe and predictable, any outstanding activity seems to be dangerous and making a threat to the everyday life. But in fact the anxiety level which we have now was...
It's important to set priorities and goals in life to achieve success. There are multiple ways on how to do it. In this article I want to share one technique which I was able to use in my life and work and which can help build a mindset to achieve goals. I work in...
If there was a plague in mental health that would be negative programs. Millions of new beginnings, innovations and success stories are ruined by fear, shame, guilt and other negative feelings. All of this is replaced by tiredness, demotivation and depression. So what exactly negative programs are and why they are affecting us so heavily? 
Let's talk about the desire to be perfect. In fact there is nothing wrong in a desire to be the best. The wrong part is a desire not to "look as a looser". And there is a difference. In fact the last one is more directed towards a fear to be wrong and stand...
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Hi my name is Anton. I'm an IT architect and a traveler. I'm very inspired by idea of being a better version of myself and want to share my inspiration and knowledge with others.

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