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In today's Internet-oriented world many things became possible just sitting on a coach at home. Conversations, searching for information, entertainment and even ordering food and drinks. No need to make a single effort to get out of the house. However this is not how things used to work a decade or two ago. People...
Many people live from day to day and don't pay much attention to their social circle. However sometimes it makes sense to take a double look at people surrounding you and make improvements to make life a little bit more easy and happier. Let's take a look at some of the examples. A...
People like to postpone things for different reasons. Bad health, bad mood, or they are just afraid of something to happen. In other words either them or the situation right now is not perfect and doesn't allow them to proceed. But in fact most of the time they are afraid of nothing. Being...

Pain and Freedom

Our life is full of emotions. Sometimes they make us happy. Sometimes they make us sad and depressed. One of the bright examples for the last one is pain. Millions of people in the world struggle with pain. It can be acute. It can be chronic. Or even mental. Strugglings make people use packs...
Biking is a very cool sport to kill a few needs at once - need for a fresh air, need for exercises and need for new impressions while visiting new places. This all makes a person better, healthier and clears mind from unnecessary things. This time I went on a trail in the...
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Hi my name is Anton. I'm an IT architect and a traveler. I'm very inspired by idea of being a better version of myself and want to share my inspiration and knowledge with others.

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