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Social networks and Hollywood movies told us that all successful stories and accomplishments happen overnight. Well, ok, may be not overnight, but definitely over a week. Or two. Or three. A month maximum. Nothing worth spending it more then a month. But the reality is very different. What about a year? Or a decade?...
Every generation had some disease they were fighting with. Panic attacks is the disease of the last generations which is a direct outcome from the increased level of anxiety. The thing is, a bigger level of anxiety gives a constant worry about the problems which creates chains in brain and unconditioned reflexes where all these worries start...
In today's Internet-oriented world many things became possible just sitting on a coach at home. Conversations, searching for information, entertainment and even ordering food and drinks. No need to make a single effort to get out of the house. However this is not how things used to work a decade or two ago. People...
Let's talk about the desire to be perfect. In fact there is nothing wrong in a desire to be the best. The wrong part is a desire not to "look as a looser". And there is a difference. In fact the last one is more directed towards a fear to be wrong and stand...
We always have a choice of to do or not to do certain things. To read or not to read a book, to go or not to go to a gym, to improve or not to improve. Some people think that when they reach certain level they no longer need improvements. They do what they do every...
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Hi my name is Anton. I'm an IT architect and a traveler. I'm very inspired by idea of being a better version of myself and want to share my inspiration and knowledge with others.

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What to Do in Life?

Fighting anxiety
