Secrets of a Good Communication


There are a lot of books dedicated to communication and verbal skills however I’d like to share my own experience here on the best practices I learned in my life.

The most important part of communication which everyone is always paying attention to is sincerity. People will try to avoid a person who wears masks or behaves unnaturally and they will think this person tries to trick them or lie. Thus speaking from heart and from soul, sharing all gamma of emotions with other people is critically important for a good conversation. 

Another part which makes a climate in a chat is an attitude. Positive attitude even in a tough situations will bring a lot of bonus points because positivity is a sign of a strong and powerful person where negativity is an opposite. People tend to automatically attract to positive people where negative people are those who they want to avoid.

These two rules are essential and just by following them it’s possible to find a lot of friends and significantly improve communications. It’s that simple!