Fighting anxiety

Distressed Anxiety Mood

Anxiety is the most powerful negative program which can make a person’s life a nightmare. Especially in today’s safe world when everything appears to be safe and predictable, any outstanding activity seems to be dangerous and making a threat to the everyday life.

But in fact the anxiety level which we have now was on far less levels like 100 or 1000 years ago. People were constantly fighting either with each other or with the mother nature proving their right just to live on this planet. Nobody was struggling with depression or social anxiety simply because humanity was far away from that comfort yet thinking about not being killed by a mammoth or a thirsty neighbor.

But now situation has changed for the better. We are protected by social institutions like the Police and government. Wars on the most part has ended. And our requirements for a comfort and calm have increased. Thus making the anxiety level go high.

But what is the reason of that phenomena? It’s very simple. In the old times people just didn’t have much choice so they stepped over their anxiety and tried things. Where is now with the high safety and resources availability that’s not easy. Not easy to go out of the comfort zone. Not easy to accept threats and live with them. Instead people prefer running from their problems and be afraid of them.

However that’s not what makes people happy. What makes us happy is moving forward, achieving new things and self development. That’s why we need to handle our fears. And the only way to handle fears is to face them directly and to move into them. To be strong and confident. To accept risks. To be confident in handling those risks. Any scenario doesn’t worth fear. Simply doesn’t worth it.

There is an algorithm which allows to fight the fear and to not live with it. It’s a simple set of steps. Check it out here. Follow those steps, be confident, and live without a fear.


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